Watch the Perseid Meteor Shower Dazzle Sunday Night's Sky
What's This?
Look up into the sky tonight, and you'll likely be in for a treat.
The peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower happens Sunday night through early Monday, as the Earth continues to orbit past a part of the sky with leftover comet debris, according to NASA:
"In the case of the Perseids, the small fragments were ripped [off] the tail of comet Swift-Tuttle, which orbits the sun once every 130 years. The fragments light up due to the immense friction created when they plough into the gas surrounding Earth."
The result of this natural event is a beautiful sight for us on land. Expect to see the peak of the meteor shower around 3 a.m. to 5 a.m., your local time, wherever you are. In preparation for the natural show, NASA recommends finding open sky away from artificial lights, laying down on the ground and giving your eyes about a half-hour to adjust to the darkness. Most of the world will be able to see the shower, except parts of Australia and Antarctica that may be too far south.
If there's bad weather in your area, you can still view the shower via NASA's camera over Marshall Space Flight Center in Huntsville, Ala. NASA's Ustream video, embedded below, will begin at approximately 9 p.m. ET.
Live streaming video by Ustream
Are you going to watch the annual Perseid meteor shower? Let us know in the comments, and share photos of the shower on social media. Don't forget to tag your tweets with the hashtag, #perseid
Images: (1) Flickr, Dave Dugdale/LearningDSLRVideo; (2) Flickr, Darren Kirby/bulliver; (3) Pierre Martin via NASA; (4) Flickr, Johan Larsson.
Topics: Earth, meteor shower, NASA, Perseid meteor shower, space, U.S., US & World, World