Siri Has a Favorite College Football Team — Yes, Really
What's This?
Oregon State headman Mike Riley has to be one of the most tech-savvy college football coaches around. Check out what he posted to Twitter on Tuesday morning:
Something of a weird request, no? Well, look what it turns up:
Well played, Coach Riley. Well played, indeed.
But Siri's not getting off so easy here. When we whipped out our trusty iPhone, the device's infamous virtual assistant called up the pre-season Associated Press college-football rankings to get her trendy "underdog" pick. Oregon State is ranked 25th there — the last spot on the list of ranked teams.
But here's the catch: That's still 25th out of a total of more than 120 Division 1 football teams, which isn't too shabby at all. If Siri was really about that underdog life, she'd pull for Southern Mississippi—the Golden Eagles, you see, finished last season at a dreadful 0-12.
For the record, further testing of Siri's underdog fandom revealed her to favor the Los Angeles Clippers in the NBA, the Tampa Bay Buccaneers in the NFL, Oregon in college basketball, the Houston Astros in MLB and the D.C. United in Major League Soccer.
Which teams do you want Siri to root for? Tell us in the comments, below.
Image: Jonathan Ferrey/Getty Images
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