Facebook Consumer Marketing Head Goes to Twitter

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Twitter has poached Facebook's head of consumer and mobile marketing, Kate Jhaveri, according to a report.

Jhaveri will join Twitter as senior director of consumer marketing, according to AllThingsD . Reps from Twitter and Facebook could not immediately be reached for comment. A Twitter account purported to be Jhaveri's but not verified tweeted the following Friday afternoon:

Jhaveri, pictured below, joined Facebook in August 2010 and stopped working at the company sometime this month, according to her LinkedIn profile. She had previously served as consumer and online marketing director at Microsoft.


Twitter's General Counsel Alexander Macgillivray also announced he was leaving the company. Macgillivray tweeted about his move after a story in AllThingsD appeared.

Images: Getty, Kimihiro Hoshino and LinkedIn

Topics: Business, Facebook, Marketing, Twitter