5 Depressingly Honest Titles for Classic Children's Books

What's This?

Charlie Brown was a serious downer. You may not have noticed that as a child, but looking back as an adult, it's obvious.

Author and comedian Dan Wilbur realized this fact and took to his blog to highlight the screwed up the plot lines of our favorite childhood books.

From Curious George to James and the Giant Peach, Wilbur has picked up on some of the strangest plot themes you may not have noticed.

charlie brownImage: Better Book Titles

charlie and the chocolate factoryImage: Better Book Titles

curious georgeImage: Better Book Titles

frosty the snowmanImage: Better Book Titles

james and the giant peachImage: Better Book Titles

Wilbur told Mashable that the inspiration for the better children's book titles came from one of his first bits as an aspiring stand-up comedian. In the schtick, Wilbur pointed out that the plot of Rumplestiltskin is strange and disturbing, but children don't seem to notice. It's not until adulthood that we realize the "dark" and "out of left field" plot lines of these classics, Wilbur said.

"I wish I were still a kid and that accepting of terrifying realities," he added.

How accurate do you think Wilbur's alternative book titles are? Let us know in the comments.

Homepage Image: Flickr, youngdoo

Topics: books, Pics, Watercooler