The Hogwarts Houses for Your Favorite TV Characters

What's This?

Harry Potter celebrates his 33rd birthday on Wednesday. That's right, you're super old.

Two years have passed since the final film was released — and six years since Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows first hit shelves. Even the most devoted Potterheads are running out of ways to freshen up Harry's world.

You can incorporate a drinking game into your next HP movie marathon: Take a shot when Ron makes his freaked-out face in the first three and a shot when Harry gets angsty in the final five films.

Or you can apply wizard logic to modern TV shows. Which house would Don Draper be placed in had he grown up at Hogwarts? What would the sorting hat do with Hannah Horvath from Girls? Take a look below.

  1. Gryffindor

  2. John-snow-game-of-thrones

  3. Joan-mad-men

  4. Daenerys-game-of-thrones

  5. Britany-glee

  6. Manny-modern-family

  7. Watson-sherlock

  8. Hufflepuff

  9. Phil-modern-family

  10. Big-bang-theory-penny

  11. Cam-modern-family

  12. Troy-community

  13. Jess-new-girl

  14. Jesse-breaking-bad

  15. Nick-new-girl

  16. Orange-is-the-new-black-piper

  17. Slytherin

  18. Don-mad-men

  19. Tom-parks-and-rec

  20. Arya-game-of-thrones

  21. 1c051f80

  22. Sue-glee

  23. Walter-breaking-bad

  24. Santana-glee

  25. Jeff-community

  26. Orange-is-the-new-black-alex

  27. Ravenclaw

  28. Peggy-mad-men

  29. Abed

  30. 1c051f80

  31. Sherlock

  32. Big-bang-theory-sheldon

  33. Girls

  34. Girls-hannah

Image: Warner Bros.

Topics: harry potter, Television, Watercooler