Does Aaron Rodgers Owe This Fan $4.5 Million?

What's This?


When MLB star Ryan Braun was suspended for the rest of the season earlier this week for using steroids, he didn't just damage his own career and reputation. He also may have cost NFL quarterback Aaron Rodgers millions of dollars.

Well, it's a bit more complicated than that, but here's the deal: Rodgers told a fan on Twitter way back in February 2012 that he'd bet his entire season salary on Braun, at the time just a rumored performance enhancing drug user, being clean:

Rodgers' salary for the 2012 season was $4.5 million, but Todd Sutton, the fan in questions says he's willing to cut the Packers star a little slack.

“I’d just take a game check,” a good-natured Sutton told USA TODAY Sports . (That single-game check would come to more than $280,000, by the way.)

Legally, of course, Rodgers doesn't owe Sutton anything. But what about bro code? That gets a little bit more complicated.

Is a half-bet on Twitter really a bet? Sutton doesn't appear to have replied back to Rodgers telling him they were, in fact, on, so our verdict is reached — Rodgers gets off here.

As our special consultant Annoying Childhood Friend would explain:



Should Rodgers do the gentlemanly thing here and give Sutton some kind of prize or just forget the whole thing? Give us your analysis in the comments.

Image: Scott Halleran/Getty Images

Topics: Entertainment, NFL, Sports