What Is the Best U.S. Destination for Summer Vacation?

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Image: Flickr, Daniel Peckham

It's that time of year many of us look forward to annually: the summer vacation. But what is considered a dream vacation varies depending on who you ask.

If you're traveling in the U.S. this summer, a trip to an urban destination like San Francisco or New York may the ultimate vacation, while others may turn to a beach destination like Honolulu or Key West, Florida.

While the U.S. offers myriad vacation options for all types of travelers, we've compiled a list of the top U.S. summer spots based on travel site Priceline's most-searched summer destinations.

Vote in our poll, below, to crown the ultimate U.S. vacation spot for summer 2014, and tell us in the comments if you're planning a trip this summer.

Topics: Lifestyle, summer, summer vacation, travel, Travel & Leisure, united states, U.S., vacation, Work & Play