'Star Wars: Episode VII' Photos Leak: What Is This Alien Creature?

What's This?

Starwars_animalWhat is this creature that appears in new Star Wars: Episode VII photos that surfaced online on June 2, 2014?

Image: Mashable composite

Internet sleuths, unite! Dozens of new Star Wars: Episode VII photographs from the film's closed set have surfaced online, with several pictures featuring an unknown enormous creature that looks like a alien hybrid of a pig and rhinoceros. But what is it?

The photos emerged Monday on TMZ , along with the site's watermark emblazoned on each picture, meaning you'll have to surf over TMZ.com to check them out. However, you can see the creature's silhouette in the image Mashable concocted, above.

Monday's fresh photos — which showcase a desert town or marketplace (on planet Tatooine potentially) and its inhabitants — incited a barrage of fresh theories from Star Wars fans, who are left to speculate as Abrams and the cast remain silent about the movie.

One thing appears certain, so far, to fans who were critics of heavily computer-generated Jar Jar Binks: Effects for creatures will likely depend on less CGI for Episode VII.

"Jedi sources tell us the new alien was manned by 5 men inside its belly," TMZ reported.

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Topics: Entertainment, Film, Star Wars, Star Wars Episode VII