Is Nintendo's YouTube Affiliate Program a Good Deal for Gamers?

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Nintendo has struck a deal with YouTube that will allow players to upload gameplay footage directly from their Wii U consoles to the video sharing platform.

The move appears to be a compromise on Nintendo's part. The company recently took to YouTube to flag thousands of clips featuring gameplay from Nintendo games, and prevented content creators from collecting ad revenue from these videos. With this new program in place, Nintendo, Google and the content creators will split the revenue made from advertising — although details of how that revenue will be divided have not been released.

Nintendo has not had a great year, so it's not surprising that they would be looking to make some extra income. It's newest console, the Wii U, has been anything but a smashing success, and earlier this month the company reported its third consecutive full-year loss.

Check out the video above for this story and more on this week's YouTube Weekly. Lamarr Wilson also discusses YouTube's ninth birthday, and shows you how to check the quality of your ISP's video streaming capabilities.

Also, make sure to subscribe to Mashable on YouTube for more.

Last Week on YouTube Weeky: Another Network Leaving YouTube?

Topics: Gaming, Lamarr Wilson, mashable video, Nintendo, Social Media, YouTube, youtube weekly