OkCupid 'Satisfied' With News of Mozilla CEO's Resignation

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CupidOkCupid wasn't heartbroken to see Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich resign on Thursday.

Count OkCupid among those celebrating the resignation of Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich on Thursday.

The dating site protested Mozilla on Monday by discouraging users to visit its site via Firefox, in an attempt to bring awareness to Eich's 2008 political donation in support of Proposition 8. The ballot measure, which outlawed gay marriage in California, passed but was later ruled unconstitutional. OkCupid's stunt attracted media attention, and added to displeasure around the web about Eich's political views and the company's decision to promote him to CEO in late March.

On Thursday, Mozilla announced in a blog post that Eich was stepping down, apologizing to users for failing to act in a more timely manner. "We didn’t act like you’d expect Mozilla to act," wrote Mozilla Chairwoman Mitchell Baker. "We didn’t move fast enough to engage with people once the controversy started. We’re sorry. We must do better."

The news was appreciated at OkCupid. The company released the following statement through a spokesperson:

“We are pleased that OkCupid’s boycott has brought tremendous awareness to the critical matter of equal rights for all individuals and partnerships; today’s decision reaffirms Mozilla’s commitment to that cause. We are satisfied that Mozilla will be taking a number of further affirmative steps to support the equality of all relationships.”

On Monday, OkCupid greeted Firefox users trying to visit its site with a message encouraging them to try other browsers like Chrome, Internet Explorer, or Safari. The pop-up did not specifically call for Eich's resignation, but it certainly didn't mince words, either. The message said: "Those who seek to deny love and instead enforce misery, shame, and frustration are our enemies, and we wish them nothing but failure."

OkCupid Letter

OkCupid shared this letter with Firefox users on Monday, protesting Mozilla CEO Eich.

That wish came true Thursday, and while OkCupid is not taking full credit for the change at Mozilla, the company does believe its protest made a difference.

A company spokesperson told Mashable: "It’s a great feeling to see a company take a stand that blends its business interests and its principles and have that stand result in a series of actions that makes the world a better place." Mashable also reached out to Barry Diller, Chairman of AIC, OkCupid's parent company, but did not receive a response.

Mozilla has not yet named a new CEO and will have more information "next week," according to Baker. In the meantime, the company appears to be working hard to retain users and avoid more negative attention, ensuring users that the company is open to all people, regardless of sexual orientation.

Mozilla - Brendan Eich

Mozilla CEO Brendan Eich resigned on Thursday.

"We will emerge from this with a renewed understanding and humility — our large, global, and diverse community is what makes Mozilla special, and what will help us fulfill our mission," Baker wrote. "We are stronger with you involved."

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Topics: brendan eich, Business, ceo, mozilla, OKCupid, Politics, resignation, U.S.