The Athletes Arrive: 15 Behind-the-Scenes Photos From Sochi

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2014-02-06 12:59:25 UTC

The 2014 Winter Olympics, start Friday, but the controversies surrounding the games have made headlines for weeks now — from LGBT rights to terrorism and environmental disasters. The latest news this week includes unfinished hotel rooms, animal rights and yogurt delivery embargoes.

However, once the games are set to begin, the attention refocused on the Olympic athletes. NBC paid $775 billion to secure the U.S. broadcasting rights to the games, giving viewers more than 539 hours of coverage. The commencement ceremony airs Feb. 7, and the 98 events in 15 winter sports will keep going till the closing ceremony on Feb. 23. But before all that happens, the athletes must first play out a dress rehearsal for the biggest event of their lives.

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Topics: nbc olympics, olympians, Pics, sochi, U.S., US & World, Winter Olympics 2014, World