Kid Just Wanted 1 Like on YouTube — Now He's Reddit's Newest Celeb

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The Internet used its powers for good to make a young YouTube user's dreams come true.

Sir Fedora, as he is known on YouTube, uploaded a video expressing his excitement over the one Like he received on another one of his videos. After showing viewers a hole in the roof that he "jumped through," he then breaks into a cute rendition of Miley Cyrus's "Wrecking Ball." Of course, the Internet couldn't help but encourage Sir Fedora to aspire for even further greatness.

The endearing video was first noticed by Reddit, resulting in thousands of Likes, subscribers, views and Twitter followers for the young star.

Sir Fedora then uploaded new videos in reaction to this newfound fame, exclaiming how "ridiculous" it was to wake up to find 45 new followers on Twitter.

He also tweeted some of his reactions to the ensuing shower of attention.

At the time of writing, Sir Fedora had 16,673 subscribers on YouTube and 4,308 Twitter followers. His "first reaction" video now has over 36,000 Likes and is quickly growing.

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Topics: reddit, Videos, viral video, Watercooler, YouTube
Video: YouTube, Sir Fedora