Is Verizon Really Slowing Down Netflix?

What's This?

Netflix-tortoise-gradientVerizon is back under the microscope as its Netflix speeds continue to decline.

Image: Mashable Composite: Images via iStockphoto

The blame game game between Netflix and Verizon is heating up.

Netflix claims that its average prime time speeds over Verizon's FiOS service dropped 14% last month. The company also produced the chart below to make its case that U.S. speeds are heading south:


Though accusations that Verizon is throttling Netflix have dogged Verizon since last year, the new data has prompted more Verizon customers to come forward to complain that their Netflix is slow or kaput.

Verizon has denied the claims, leading to a he said/she said standoff. What's really going on? Here's what we know:

Why are consumers upset?

Consumers pay Verizon to access the Internet. They pay Netflix for its content. However, some customers of Verizon's FiOS said they have been unable to adequately stream Netflix.

Verizon is not alone. Comcast has also drawn ire for slow Netflix speeds. It is also worth noting Comcast has been rolling out a data cap.

There is little indication that slower speeds are experienced in certain areas, but slowdowns are generally associated with peak viewing hours on evenings and weekends.

Whose fault is that?

The answer depends on whom you ask. Netflix has published data that shows Verizon FiOS speed has been slowing.

Verizon has denied that it purposefully limited the speed with which Netflix is serving its customers, and claims that it treats all traffic equally. The company has noted publicly that various factors can affect Internet connection speeds, including local issues and peak demand times.

One of the largest independent studies on the subject, which enlisted 30,000 volunteers over four days, found that Verizon's speed was not notably different from its competitors. However, Janusz Jezowicz, who authored the study, said he could not say for certain that Verizon hadn't limited Netflix traffic due to the complexity of the systems involved.

So...nobody knows?

No, not for sure. But that has not stopped various bloggers and media organizations from advancing some theories.

The Wall Street Journal posted a story with the headline "Feud Over Netflix Traffic Leads to Video Slowdown," which has been among the most aggressive articles to date in linking slowdowns in Netflix speeds to Verizon.

Because Netflix drives so much traffic, it works with other Internet companies like Cogent Communications, which supplies additional bandwidth. Cogent works with ISPs like Verizon under money-free arrangements in which the amount of data sent between each company is about equal.

However, Verizon claims that Cogent drives much more traffic than it takes, and does not want to pay for upgrades to infrastructure that could help handle the greater data load. Nor is Verizon agreeing to use Netflix's own content distribution network called Open Connect, which is free for ISPs to use.

What does that have to do with streaming Netflix?

More people are streaming larger amounts of high quality video; the current infrastructure simply can't handle it. By not paying to improve infrastructure with Cogent or agreeing to use Open Connect, Verizon has effectively drawn a line in the sand where it can attempt to rein in Netflix's dominance of its bandwidth.

Hence, Verizon would not technically be slowing Netflix traffic — but also not doing anything to alleviate the growing pains that are causing House of Cards fans to pull out their hair.

Is this a big deal?

There are near-constant tensions between companies that work together to serve customers, but this situation has particularly big ramifications for anyone who uses the Internet. Why? Two words: net neutrality.

A quick refresher on net neutrality: All traffic on the Internet has traditionally been treated the same way. If you pay an ISP like Verizon, it should allow you to access Mashable with the same speed as you access Reddit. This rule was formalized by the Federal Communications Commission.

Recently, that rule was struck down by a U.S. judge. While a new set of rules have been proposed, Verizon could now technically slow down your access to Netflix on purpose — something various parties have alleged is already happening.

Since Netflix is dependent on ISPs to deliver its product into homes, Verizon could demand a cut of Netflix's revenue in return for good or ever-preferential speeds.

That seems kind of reasonable. Why should Verizon build infrastructure to help Netflix?

The answer to this question has less to do with Netflix and Verizon in particular, and more to do with the future of the Internet. If Verizon was able to strike a deal with Netflix for improved speeds, my new startup — say, Jasonflix — would immediately start at a disadvantage. I would need far more capital to compete with Netflix from the start.

Internet analysts say this would represent a major change from the web that brought us companies like Google, Facebook, Spotify, Netflix and even Mashable. The playing field that used to be flat would quickly become advantageous to the biggest players, stifling innovation.

What does speed have to do with it?

People who pay Verizon for its FiOS fiber optic connection expect a fast connection. Verizon claims its download speed for the basic FiOS connection starts at 15 megabits per second, which is right around the speed needed to stream high-definition video.

It is important to note that speed and bandwidth are not the same thing, although the words are sometimes used interchangeably. Bandwidth actually more closely describes capacity, as this blog post points out.

So while you might have a connection capable of 15 Mbps or more, that does not guarantee a great streaming experience. The number of people also using their connections — as well as how much bandwidth they are using — affects speeds. Think of it like a freeway where the average speed is 60 mph where there are still traffic jams at rush hour.

Is there a definite way to know what affects speeds?

Yes, but we don't have access to it. Right now, ISPs like Verizon are not required to divulge data related to Internet traffic, although they could be if new net neutrality rules are passed.

What should you do if Verizon throttles your Netflix account?

Write a letter to your congresspeople supporting the new FCC net neutrality rules and send an email to your ISP threatening to cancel your service if these problems are not resolved. If that doesn't work, research some other high-speed Internet options in your area to sustain your House of Cards addiction. If all else fails, vent on Twitter. At least you'll have company.

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Topics: Business, Media, net neutrality, netflix, Television, verizon, verizon fios