Apple's New Job Post Fuels iWatch Rumor Mill

What's This?

Image: Mashable Nina Frazier Hansen


Are you a physiologist looking for a new challenge? Apple may want to hire you. The company is currently looking for a User Studies Exercise Physiologist. The position is likely to involve working on Cupertino's long-rumored "iWatch" product.

The job will require employees to "design and run user studies related to cardiovascular fitness & energy expenditure, including calories burned, metabolic rate, aerobic fitness level measurement/tracking and other key physiological measurements." The role will require application of "relevant knowledge to the design of products and their testing/validation through user studies."

Here's the entire job posting:

Clearly, this posting is further confirmation that Apple is working on fitness/health related products. Those products almost certainly involve the new wearable device we've heard so much about in recent months.

Earlier this week, Apple reportedly hired Roy J.E.M. Raymann to work on the iWatch. Raymann is an expert on sleep research who worked at Philips Research prior to being picked up by Apple.

This article originally published at AppAdvice here

Topics: apple, Dev & Design, fitness, Gadgets, health, Health & Fitness, iwatch, Jobs, new products, Tech

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