A Look Back Through Rob Ford's Facebook Timeline

What's This?

If you've somehow managed to avoid the latest Facebook trend, the "Facebook Look Back" video, good for you.

For the rest of us, though, we've spent the past two days slogging through a News Feed minefield filled with friends' one-minute Facebook histories. It was a project launched by the social networking site to celebrate its tenth anniversary on Tuesday.

While most of these look-backs are simply filled with scandalous college pictures and embarrassing statuses from times you'd rather forget, some people's Timeline histories are pure gold.

Enter Toronto Mayor Rob Ford.

YouTube user Tom Kucy imagined such a Facebook video, compiling some of Ford's greatest hits — ahem, crack smoking — into a spectacular video. It ain't pretty. But trust us; you'll Like it.

BONUS: Everything You Wish You Could Say to Your Facebook Friends

Topics: Canada, Facebook, rob ford, Toronto, Videos, viral video, Watercooler