8 Ways Valentine's Day Changes for Adults

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When you were a small child, Valentine's Day meant boxes of candy, piles of classroom valentines and stomach-fluttering crushes.

Now, as an adult, you've traded homemade valentines for watching Netflix, and instead of pursuing crushes, you stalk them on Facebook. You've kept the boxes of candy, though.

Don't worry, it's not just you. Here are some of the ways that Feb. 14 has changed for us all. Take this list as a token of V-Day solidarity.

  1. Giant-candy-urkel

  2. Snickers

  3. Glamour

  4. Eating-pants

  5. Valentine

  6. Computer

  7. Crush

  8. Ryan-office

  9. Blushing

  10. Criticism-1

  11. Criticism-2

  12. Crying

  13. Thats-fine

  14. Love

  15. Over-it

  16. Romantic

  17. Patricks

  18. Valentines-day

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Topics: love, pic, Pics, romance, valentine's day, Watercooler, Work & Play