Why You Shouldn't Freak Out Over Gmail's Update

What's This?


For many, the email inbox is a sacred, private space. It's where you share photos with your family, where you discuss important work projects, where your receipts and bank statements arrive. It's usually not a place you welcome strangers.

That's why many Gmail users flocked to Twitter Thursday afternoon, pitchforks in hand, ready to roast Google for a new feature that will enable any Google+ user to email any other user without knowing his or her email address.

On the surface, the update looks questionable. But there is no reason to freak out — you can still control your inbox.

Starting in about 24 hours, any Google+ user will be able to send an email to your Gmail account if you have not given them your email address. The update that Google announced Thursday automatically turns on this option, meaning if you do not change your settings, your email inbox will be open to messages from potential strangers.

Strangers will not see your email address — not unless you respond to their message.

The good news is you can opt out relatively easily. Look for an email Google is sending to all Gmail users over the next 24 hours — this will include details on how to change your settings. No one will be able to email you via Google+ until every Gmail users receives this email, so you have a chance to opt-out before the feature goes live.

google plus email settings

If you are particularly popular on Google+ — that is, you are in thousands of circles and most likely some sort of celebrity — the setting for who can contact you will automatically start at "Circles" instead of "Everyone on Google+."

If you don't like the idea of any Google+ user being able to send you a message through Google+, inside or out of your circles, simply change the contact setting to "No One". This is the easiest way to tune this update out completely.

Even if you do elect to open yourself up to anyone who has you in their Circles, your inbox may not take the hit that many are envisioning.

For starters, any email sent to you from someone you do not have in your Circles will go directly to your "social" inbox — a secondary inbox within Gmail. This means it should stay separate from personal emails you exchange with family and friends, and business emails shared with coworkers. (Corporate accounts that use Gmail will be opted out of this service by default.)

A user that you do not have in your Circles can only email you once via Google+. So if you do not respond, you cannot be bombarded with follow up emails. Brands are also excluded from this feature, meaning you shouldn't have to worry about Coke ads (or any other kind) floating into your inbox.

google plus email inbox

Is it presumptuous for Google to assume you want to receive emails from strangers? Absolutely. But try not to lose sleep over the update. It's a feature that can be changed quickly, and if you are adamant about opting out, you should be able to do so almost immediately.

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Image: Jordy R

Topics: Apps and Software, email, gmail, settings, Tech