One Direction Flirts With Grannies in 'Midnight Memories' Video

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The One Direction boys have returned with a new video for their single "Midnight Memories," the title track from their most recent album.

Fans have been counting down the days for the premiere and set their sights on crashing the video's host channel, VEVO, in display of their overwhelming affection — or at least break the channel's viewing record. Again.

The former goal is definitely on point with the video's devil-may-care attitude. It opens with the boys getting uncharacteristically rebuffed by boring house party guests who couldn't care less that the world's biggest boy band is hanging out in their kitchen.

Band members Harry Styles, Niall Horan, Zayn Malick, Louis Tomlinson and Liam Payne decide to make a quick exit from the party as the song kicks into gear. The quintet roams around London creating havoc — beginning by taking over a gyro shop and escalating to climbing Tower Bridge.

And since there were "way too many people in the Addison Lee," the boys find alternate forms of transportation by getting frisky with some super-cougar-status grandmas on scooters and making their way to the bridge on a stolen a police boat.

Twitter has erupted with fans using the hashtags #MidnightMemoriesVEVORecord and #MidnightMemoriesMusicVideo to express their emotional responses. Many seem to wonder why Zayn, the most model-esque member of the band, is featured so little.

We gathered up a few GIFs from the video, just in case the fans meet their crash-goal before you can click play.

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Topics: Entertainment, Music, music videos, One Direction, vevo, Video
Video: YouTube, OneDirectionVEVO