Forget the Polar Vortex: Heat Wave Kills 100,000 Bats in Australia

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The strange weather patterns aren’t just happening in the Midwest and Eastern United States. Australia experienced a major heat wave this week across the northeast state of Queensland, with temperatures reaching 135 degrees Fahrenheit.

Humans weren't the only ones suffering from the extreme heat after The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals confirmed that 100,000 bats fell to the ground and died on impact, according to the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. Many residents found these fallen bats spread across their property — such as Dayboro resident Murray Paas in a YouTube video posted on Jan 4.

Bat Conservation & Rescue Queensland President Louise Sanders told The Courier Mail that “[a]nything over 43 degrees Celsius (109 degrees Fahrenheit) and [the bats] just fall.”

While some of the fallen bats died on impact, some remain alive — even though they appear dead. Queensland health authorities urged residents to not touch any of the scattered bats to prevent any bites and scratches that would spread viruses. Already, 16 people have received antiviral treatment for touching bats they initially thought were dead.

"If you find a bat, it is very important not to touch [it] because of the risk of infection with Australian bat lyssavirus," Chief Health Officer Dr. Jeannette Young said in a statement. "It is very important not to attempt to assist the animal yourself."

If 100,000 bats littered across the state weren't enough of a problem by itself, there's also the smell. Authorities dispatched additional garbage collectors to clean up the dead bats after residents complained about the rotting, uncollected carcasses, made worse by the increased temperatures.

"It’s a horrible, cruel way to die,” Sanders said. "We're just trying to deal with the animal welfare side of things."

The bats that are still alive but not likely to survive will be humanely euthanized.

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Image: Nina Leen/Getty Images

Topics: australia, heat wave, US & World, Weather, World