9 Tips for Your Next Craigslist Apartment Hunt

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Image: Flickr, deejayqueue

To some, Craigslist is a utopian online wonderland, where people freely communicate and share things they want or need. To others, it’s a creepy site frequented by scammers and murderers. Either way, it’s there and you just might have to use it.

Hunting for an apartment is never an easy task, and those looking to make a fast deal will often turn to Craigslist. Millions of people post apartment listings daily, so it’s a plentiful source for those who need roommates or new tenants immediately.

Like all sites, Craigslist must be treated with caution. Here are nine ways you can smartly navigate apartment listings on the site.

1. No Money, No Problems

It's a simple rule, but it bears repeating: Never give money to a stranger online. Scammers run rampant on Craigslist, posting all kinds of different ads asking people to wire money in order to "secure" an apartment. Even if it sounds legitimate and friendly, and the apartment seems perfect, it is too good to be true.

Plus, Craigslist doesn't get involved with user transactions, so you'll kiss that money goodbye forever. Here's the site's advice on how to recognize and avoid scams.

2. Set Limits

Craigslist has set up some pretty nifty tools for its apartment listings section. To parse out places you don't want, set your price range or select places that are cat- or dog-friendly.

The search bar is another helpful tool, where you can look up important keywords, or neighborhoods you're interested in.

3. Know Your Price

If you’re on Craigslist, you’re likely looking for something quick and easy, a deal you won't find anywhere else. But create a solid budget, and factor in costs like utilities and security deposit.

Keep an eye out for ads that mention brokers. Some people prefer using them, and brokers occasionally post ads on the site themselves. Keep in mind, for you, this means irritating new fees and costs.

While it may lend the process authenticity, you don't know if the “broker” is really who he says he is, or if he's trying to scheme you out of cash. Run a search on his name to find out if he's legitimate.


Image: Flickr, Craigslist

4. Know the Area

Examine the neighborhood by either going there in person, or by using Google Maps. Use the app to research the area, and seek out neighborhood reports that reveal the true nature of the neighborhood.

Sure, the ad may say it's a perfectly safe environment, but you might have different standards. Maybe it's super bohemian, or full of young professionals, or teeming with families. Do your homework to find out if it suits you.

5. Travel in Twos

Never check out a new apartment alone. Always take a friend along for added safety, no matter where the place is. Aside from protection, a pal can share a much needed second opinion.

6. Telephone Game

Most people who post listings on Craigslist ask for contact information at one point or another. If you’re uncomfortable with that, set up a Google Voice account. You can create a new phone number and receive calls, which will redirect to your real phone.

7. No Photos? Don't Worry

While you should be wary of an ad without pictures, don’t rule it out entirely. The advertisers on the other end might be suspicious of Craigslist, and uncomfortable at the idea of posting photos of their home online. If the place sounds great, send an email and ask for a few.

8. Instant Message

Set up a quick email template. You can speed up the process by having a typed message that includes basic information, such as your interests, whether you have pets and how long you're looking to stay in the space. The other person can get a quick feel for who you are, and if you'd be a good fit.

On occasion, if the ad is really long, some sellers put specific questions at the very end, like, "What is your favorite ice cream flavor?" to ensure you actually read the entire thing. Don't lose out on a great place because you didn't read through the ad (which you should anyway).

It might also be a good idea to set up separate email account, which will help you organize everything. Apartments get snatched up quickly, so you'll have to send dozens of emails to find the right place.

9. Honesty Is a Virtue

Don’t lie about yourself. If a person posts an ad that explicitly says “No smokers” or “No one with pet allergies, because I have 13 cats,” don’t fib about who you are. It might be an incredible place that sits happily in your price range, but you and your roommate(s) will grow increasingly unhappy with one another.

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Topics: Advertising, craigslist, Home, How To, Lifestyle, Social Media