16 X-Ray GIFs That Will Turn You Inside Out

What's This?

X-rays are incredibly useful medical tools, but they don't have to just be for doctors. They also make for cool works of art.

While the x-ray's primary use is to find broken bones or other ailments, they can give you a rare and fascinating glimpse at the wonders of the human body. In this case, they make for fantastic GIFs.

Take a look at what's moving around under your skin — it's enough to make yours crawl.

  1. Lips

  2. Cervical-spine-motion

  3. Chew

  4. Hand

  5. Knee

  6. Shoulder002

  7. Xray2

  8. Ku-xlarge

  9. Xray-skeleton

  10. Heart

  11. Tumblr_mz0r2v0aec1sncuoko1_400

  12. Tumblr_my9i0daqrj1sj8840o1_500

  13. Tumblr_mxnvgzphtd1sggj6ao1_400

  14. Tumblr_mxm05ekxo61sggj6ao1_400

  15. Tumblr_m9byyx5a1b1qespypo1_250

  16. Tumblr_m2g94hmfhb1qgv64ho1_500

  1. 9dxivrt

  2. Z4kdkai

  3. Wibtvsu

  4. Joqvp5i

  5. 1ks7apl

  6. Prpxend

  7. Zdlby8r

  8. 2bnwn

  9. Jlvjrk5

  10. Zanx4yz

  11. K8oeycm

  12. 5rnlbrj

Image: Wikimedia Commons/Ruhrfisch

Topics: animated gif, animated GIFs, health, Health & Fitness, Watercooler, xray