Boston Marathon Bombing Victim Engaged to Rehab Nurse

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Today in amazing silver linings: A victim of the Boston Marathon bombings is now engaged to a nurse from the rehab center where he recovered from multiple surgeries after the attack.

James "Bim" Costello of Malden, Mass., was sent to Spaulding Rehabilitation Hospital this spring after undergoing operations to repair severe shrapnel and burn injuries sustained in the April 15 bombing, CBS Boston reported. While at the center, he met nurse Krista D’Agostino. Costello eventually proposed to her in Lyon, France, while the two were on a cruise for marathon-bombing survivors.

Costello shared the happy news in a Facebook post from France Sunday night. Beneath a photo of D'Agostino modeling her new engagement ring, Costello described their love story:

As you all know, April 15th was one of the worst days of my life, suffering not only physical injuries of my own but the emotional difficulties when I learned about my friends. I soon wondered why and for what reason this had happened. A couple weeks later I was transferred to Spaulding Hospital, where I was able to see my friends starting to heal, but still wondered what good could come from this tragedy.

He then recounted the starting point of their romance:

A few days later I saw a nurse in passing, this would turn out to be Krista, who had shared a few mutual friends, but we had never crossed paths before. After sharing a handful of conversations I realized not only how beautiful she was but also what a kind heart she had. I somehow convinced her to attend a benefit with me, which turned into a few dates, which turned into a few inseparable months.

And finally, the heartwarming ending:

I now realized why I was involved in the tragedy, it was to meet my best friend, and the love of my life. Eights months later I'm happy to announce that we will spend the rest of our lives together... We got engaged last night in the middle of the beautiful French city Lyon!!!

"It is so wonderful to see triumph from tragedy," commenter Allison Beasley wrote underneath Costello's Facebook post.

We couldn't have summed it up better ourselves.

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Image: Mark Guim, Flickr

Topics: Boston Marathon, Entertainment, Sports, U.S.