9 Social Media Resolutions for 2014

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You know the drill — new year, new start. You may be planning to slim down, give up that gross habit or get your life in order in some way. But have you given any thought to your online world?

We're taking a look at your social media life with a list of new year's resolutions we'd like to see everyone keep, from posting fewer annoying photos to being a bit more positive across your networks.

Take a look at our suggestions below. Have your own suggestions? Add them in the comment section below.

1. No More Humblebragging

Can we please make 2014 the year the "humblebrag" dies a much-needed death? While we're at it, let's also stop namedropping and giving blatantly insincere pleas for advice that are clearly just made to highlight a glamorous, exotic or exciting "dilemma."

If you're excited or proud about something, then just shout it out — your genuine enthusiasm will be better received than if you try to veil it with faux modesty.

2. Create Less #Foodporn

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We think it's fair to say that we're all fed up with looking at what everyone else is eating for lunch. Although it's oh-so-tempting to Instagram every single morsel that passes your lips, we suggest setting a #foodporn benchmark and stick to it.

Was the food you're about to eat prepared by a Michelin-starred chef? Is it presented in a way that has never been seen before by human eyeballs? Does the meal you're about to consume contain unicorn meat? If the answer to these three questions is "no," don't post that pic.

3. Check Before You Share

Misinformation has played a big part in major events in 2013, especially those first reported on social media sites. Before you blindly forward, retweet or share what appears to be breaking news — or even vital PSAs — hold back until you get verification.

The speedy spread of incorrect information in a crisis situation can be frightening, and in some cases, even downright dangerous.

4. Be More Positive

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With social networks only a touchscreen swipe away, it's tempting to use such platforms to speak your mind on minor annoyances, but we should all think twice about posting negative comments and updates.

We're not talking about major bad news that may be worth sharing with your online friends and followers — just the small things: not getting a seat on the train, your coffee order being wrong, sitting in traffic, etc. Are you really bringing anything to the conversation with such clichĂ©d #firstworldproblems?

5. Increase Your Privacy Know-How

Managing your privacy settings, levels and permissions on social networks is extremely important. In terms of the networks themselves, it saves you from sharing content you don't want to make public. In the case of apps and add-ons it protects the data and privacy of both you and your online friends.

As we post more and more content online and via mobile, safety and privacy is only going to become more important. Make sure you're savvy to privacy settings — and changes — in 2014.

6. Stop Sharing TMI Updates

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Whether it's your baby's bowel movements, workout stats, details of a medical condition or your fragile mental state, we've all seen more than enough cases of oversharing on social. Just because you can share something doesn't mean you should.

Think before you post in the coming year, and you might save your connections from seeing something they can't unsee.

7. Stop Obsessing About Numbers

Your follower or friend count is just a number. It doesn't define you, it doesn't change you in any way and, realistically, it means nothing in the wider world.

Instead of trying to rack up as many social stats as you can, concentrate on making the most out of the networks — and the people within them — that you already have.

8. Post Fewer Selfies

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Yep, we get it already. At a certain angle, in a certain light, you're gorgeous. We really don't need daily reminders popping up in our various social streams to continually confirm this.

With 2013 dubbed "The Year of the Selfie," maybe we could all make 2014 the year we become a little more selfless?

9. Take Time to Be Kind

A good deed a day IRL is a noble aspiration, but might not be practical. On social media, however, it's a bit more achievable.

Whether it's taking the time to comment on a photo that everyone else has appeared to ignore, forwarding on a plea to help find a missing cat in your area or just hitting "like" on someone's craft project, it really doesn't take much to spread a little kindness online.

Image: Flickr, Wm. Li

Topics: beginning 2014, end of 2013, How To, New Year's Resolutions, resolutions, Social Media