40 Songs to Get You in the Holiday Spirit

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'Tis the season for blasting holiday music for hours on end.

With Christmas less than ten days away, we're right in that middle of that time of year when it's socially acceptable to listen to copious amounts of holiday music. After all, once the calendar turns to 2014, it'll be a long time before we "Jingle Bells" again.

To help you embrace this festive season, we've rounded up some of our staff's favorite holiday jams for this week's Music Monday playlist.

Have something to add to this playlist? Share it with us in the comments, below, or on Spotify, and we'll add it to the playlist.

How to Share Your Song With Us

1. To follow Mashable on Spotify, click here. If a popup window asks you to launch an external application, accept. This just means the browser will open up Spotify.

2. Follow Mashable, or send us music by clicking "Send Music."

3. To send music while browsing tracks within Spotify, follow the MashableHQ account. Then right-click (ctrl + click) on the song you want to send, and click the "Share" option.

4. By default, Spotify pulls up the "Post to Feed" option. Instead, select the "Send to Friend" tab, type in "MashableHQ" and hit the blue "Send" button.

If "MashableHQ" doesn't show up when you're trying to send a track, make sure you're following the account. If you're still having problems sending a song after that, let us know in the comments section, and we'll help you fix the problem.

Image: Flickr, matryosha

Topics: community, Entertainment, Holidays, Music, spotify