12 Delectable Mason Jar Gifts for Foodies

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If you're the procrastinating type, then it's likely you've barely given thought yet to holiday gifts for your friends.

Not that we're not judging — department-store shopping during the holidays can feel like a waking nightmare from which your wallet will never recover.

But if you're ready to finally buckle down and knock out that Christmas list consider skipping store lines in favor of a homemade mason jar present. These cheap and useful little jars make thoughtful gifts when they're filled with the makings for cookies, brownies, soups, cakes and more.

It's simple to make your own mason jar gift — just fill the jar with the dry ingredients for your favorite baked good, seal the jar and slap on a cute recipe card.

If you'd rather leave the work up to the experts, we've gathered 12 mason jar recipes you can buy on Etsy.

  1. Cowgirl-cookies

  2. Honey-tasting

  3. Chocolate-cake

  4. Cookie-with-sprinkles

  5. Candy-cane-cupcake

  6. Peanut-butter-chocolate-chip

  7. Hot-cocoa

  8. Soup-starter

  9. Smores

  10. Chocolate-peanut-butter-cupcakes

  11. Oat-bars

  12. Chili-lime-salt

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Image: Flickr, shalommama

Topics: cooking, Etsy, Food, Gifts, Lifestyle, Pics, recipes, Travel & Leisure, Watercooler, Work & Play