Grim Website Tallies Black Friday Deaths

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Despite what your receipt says, this Black Friday Death Count website serves as a grim reminder of what Black Friday truly costs.

The website totals Black Friday deaths and injuries back to 2006, each with a link to a news story about the event. A scroll through will leave you shocked at the unfortunate amount of shootings, stabbings and stampedes that have landed holiday shoppers in the hospital — if they're lucky.

The most injuries happened in 2011, with two separate pepper spray incidents injuring 20 shoppers each. But 2008 was the most dangerous year, with three people killed in the rush to find the best deal.

According to the site, eight people have been hospitalized after Black Friday-related injuries this year. Two of the injured parties are police officers who were hurt while trying to keep crazed shoppers in check.

There have been no deaths reported for Black Friday 2013.

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Topics: black friday, Black Friday 2013, Deaths, holiday shopping, Lifestyle, website, Work & Play