Facebook Proves Glasses Are Cool, For Four-Eyed 4-Year-Old

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Four-eyes of the world, unite and show your support for the newest member of our bespectacled ranks, 4-year-old Noah.

When Noah was feeling a little apprehensive about his new glasses, mom Lindsey Fisher turned to Facebook for support. Under the Facebook group Glasses for Noah, Lindsey asked that friends and family members post pictures of themselves wearing their glasses to prove glasses are cool.

More than 4,000 Likes later, the viral power of social media has proved Lindsey's point. The page has spread beyond just friends and family and is now home to pictures of everyone from a bespectacled Batman to soldiers in specs, with more than a few four-legged four-eyes to boot.

According to Lindsey and Noah's latest video update, he's still a little unsure about his own glasses, but he loves the pictures.

The page has been live since October 9 and features hundreds of pictures and messages of support.

Many show other children wearing glasses. Noah and his mother look through the pictures in the evenings so Noah can see how cool his glasses-wearing supporters are.

Noah's favorite posts, however, seem to be the ones from superheroes.

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Topics: Facebook, Family & Parenting, glasses, social, Social Media, Tech, Work & Play