Klout Users Can Now Customize How They Appear in Bing Seach Results

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Microsoft and Klout extended their partnership Friday with the introduction of new Klout-verified photos on Bing.

Now when people search for you on Bing you can dictate what photo shows up in search results. You can also add links to your social media profiles, as well as your pubic personal summery on LinkedIn.

Photos and summary information are brought in only if you have a Klout account connected to your LinkedIn profile. If your Klout account is also connected to Twitter, then your two most influential public tweets over the past 7 days will also be displayed below your profile. If your Instagram account is connected as well, then your most influential Instagram photos from the past 90 days will also be displayed.

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Bing originally partnered with Klout in September of last year. At launch, the feature simply displayed a person’s Klout score in search results. In May of this year the two companies furthered the partnership by having Klout users answer commonly-searched questions based on their expertise, that are then displayed within search results.

What do you think of Klout and Bing’s partnership? Do you think social information is helping in the search engine? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.

Mashable composite. Images via Klout and iStockphoto, kativ

Topics: bing, klout, Tech