Don't Ask Your Friends for Twitter Advice

What's This?

2013-10-12 16:28:44 UTC


Refining your Twitter strategy may be a big concern in your life, but trust us: Leave it out of your social life.

In this comic, Krishna Sadasivam of PC Weenies proves there is no better way to lose friends (and perhaps Twitter followers) than to ask them about your tweeting habits.

Just remember: What happens online stays online.

BONUS: 8 Creative Uses for Twitter You've Never Tried

  1. Twitter-fiction

  2. Plant-water-me

  3. Twitter-game

  4. Remember-the-milk

  5. Cookbook

  6. Tweet-what-you-eat

  7. Kotel-prayer

  8. Puppytweets

Homepage image: Flickr, eldh. Comic illustration by Krishna Sadasivam, PC Weenies. Published with permission; all rights reserved.

Topics: Comics, humor, PC Weenies, Twitter, Watercooler