The College Football Fan Who Blew a .341 and Got Twitter Famous

What's This?


Labor Day weekend's strangest sports story comes out of Iowa. We'll call it "The Ballad of Vodka Samm."

@Vodka_samm, you see, is the Twitter handle of one Samantha Goudie. She's 22, a football fan and apparently drinks a lot — all of which is highly relevant in this unlikely tale of how she achieved Twitter fame over the weekend.

Goudie was arrested on Saturday for allegedly trying to rush the field in the middle of the University of Iowa's home football game against Northern Illinois — but that's not the notable part.

The notable part is that she then blew a .341 into the breathalyzer when police checked her blood-alcohol level.

This isn't just Internet rumor, either. Here it is straight from the police log:

"Goudie, Samantha Lynne, 22 of Iowa City, IA for Public Intox at Kinnick Stadium at 1321 hours. Goudie was stopped for trying to enter the field. Goudie was unsteady on her feet. Goudie blew .341 PBT."

.341 is more than four times the legal driving limit, and we're honestly not quite sure how Goudie survived what must have been a truly epic pre-game tailgate session.

To be clear, extreme drinking is not a laughing matter, and not something we endorse. It's also not what makes this story remarkable. No, this story is notable more for the weirdness that followed Goudie's .341.

Like any true millennial, Goudie kept her smartphone handy, and posted Twitter updates that essentially amount to a live-blog of the entire episode:


She also later denied trying to rush the field:


But the story gets weirder. What would have been a minor local-news item quickly became the stuff of Internet lore. As sports sites, blogs and eventually mainstream news sites across the Internet picked up Goudie's tale, she reached a strange sort of fame on Twitter. Goudie gained followers by the thousands. On Sunday alone, she picked up 6,000, according to another Twitter post of hers. By Monday night, her total was up to 18,000. A day later it had topped 22,000.

She's done anything but shy away from the attention. Adulation from her followers has been plentiful, and Goudie has spent much of the past few days retweeting laudatory messages from them. There have even been marriage proposals.

Here are some of the words fans have used to describe her: legendary, the most interesting samm in the world, America's sweetheart, dream girl, hero and AWESOME.

And for the haters, Goudie has another message:


Of course, this brings up all sorts of other questions, including whether she's worried about what will happen when prospective employers decide to do a little Google research some day down the line.

We reached out to Goudie to get the 411 behind her .341 and subsequent Twitter fame, but she's not doing phone interviews, according to another message posted to Twitter.

What do you think of Goudie's extreme-drinking episode? Let us know what you think in the comments.

Image: Reese Strickland/Getty Images

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