The 21 Worst People You Meet Playing Golf

What's This?

The sun's shining, the temperature's perfect, you've called in sick to work. Maybe you even have a new set of clubs.

The scene is set for a perfect day on the links, playing a little golf and getting away from it all for 18 holes — that is, until you meet "Mr. Excuses," who spends all day complaining about the various external factors throwing him off his game. Or, until you meet "The Tee Box Talker," who brings up banal conversation topics every single time you get into your backswing. And let's not forget "Mr. Mood Swing," who oscillates between unbearably bitter and insufferably smug, depending on his last score.

All of these folks and many more are included in the YouTube video, above, which lists some of the most common golf personalities you'll meet out on the course. Heck, you're probably in there yourself somewhere.

The funny video from Dude Perfect has clearly hit a sweet spot with golfers and golf fans, racking up more than 180,000 views in its first day online. Check it out, then let us know which caricatures ring most true, in the comments.

Homepage image: Dude Perfect via YouTube

Topics: Entertainment, Golf, Sports