Top 10 U.S. Newspapers Ranked by Digital Circulation

What's This?


When news broke on Monday that Jeff Bezos, the founder of Amazon, had purchased The Washington Post, Twitter users and media pundits alike were quick to analyze what the purchase meant for the premiere newspaper of the nation's capital.

Interestingly enough, only 9% of WaPo subscribers pay for the digital edition of the paper: 42,313 digital subscribers of its 473,462 total circulation.

Statista's chart below ranks the top 10 newspapers in the United States by total subscribers and breaks down circulation between digital and print.

As the chart shows, The Washington Post has the fewest digital subscribers and the lowest ratio of digital subscribers to print subscribers of any of the top 10 U.S. newspapers. In contrast, the New York Times is the only paper to boast more digital than print subscribers — 1.1 million versus 731,395 — bringing its total circulation to 61% digital.

2013_08_06_Newspaper (1)

Do you think Bezos can help flip these numbers for The Washington Post? Let us know in the comments below.

Image: Adam Glanzman

Topics: amazon, Business, chart of the day, jeff bezos, Media, newspapers, washington post