Top 10 Tech This Week

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The last week of July was an exciting week in the world of tech. And in case you missed out while you were on the beach, we have the roundup for you.

The Moto X was hitting headlines all week. The new phone, a partnership between Motorola and Google, is being seen as a competitor to the iPhone 5.

SEE ALSO: Previous editions of Top 10 Tech This Week

Rumors from the Apple world claim that the new iPad mini could have a retina screen; the big change we've all been waiting for. And websites saw their webhosts go down this week, throwing the Internet off balance for a while.

For all this and more stories, check out our gallery above.

Mashable composite, images: Samsung, Evernote

Topics: apple, Apps and Software, Dev & Design, Gadgets, Mobile, Moto X, Motorola, Tech, web hosts