Seattle Police Live-Tweet Doritos Giveaway at Hempfest

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If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Seattle police may have had that in mind when they decided to set up shop at the front gate of the world's largest annual marijuana advocacy rally with boxes full of Doritos to give away to pot-smoking participants.

Voters in Washington state opted to legalize pot possession by approving I-502 in November 2012. In an attempt to educate citizens about the new laws, officers from the Seattle Police Department handed out bags of the cheesy chips at Hempfest, an annual "protestival" that has drawn hundreds of thousands of attendees in recent years.

The bags of chips included a message with "dos and don'ts" of the new law and a link to the department's educational blog post, which is very worth a read. (Spoiler: It concludes with a video of Bilbo Baggins and Gandalf blowing smoke rings.)

The Seattle Police Department began tweeting about "#OperationOrangeFingers" well in advance of the event, and it followed through by live-tweeting the giveaway Saturday morning.

Here's a closeup of the message on the bags:

No word yet on the department's controversial decision to forgo Cool Ranch Doritos in favor of the Nacho Cheese flavor. We will update you as soon as we learn more.

Image: Twitter, @SeattlePD

Topics: Twitter, U.S., US & World