New York Reimagined as a Circular City

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The current MTA Subway Map, based on the 1979 design by Michael Hertz Associates, has become a celebrated hallmark of New York City — aiding tourists and locals alike as they navigate the five boroughs. There may, however, be a better way to display the public transit system. Max Roberts, a British psychologist and cartography expert, is bringing this very design into question with a new map based on a series of concentric circles.

The current map is loosely based on the city's geography, with modifications made to maximize legibility. Roberts explains that while this is a functional approach, it can be deceptive to users who think that the map is closer to geographic reality than it actually is. According to the mapping expert, as quoted in Fast Company , "every city should produce an outstanding geographic map and an outstanding diagram."

The former gives users the geographic grounding necessary for way-finding, whereas the latter allows easy comprehension and navigation of the network itself. Roberts's circular design falls into this second category, and while it may lack geographic reference, it successfully streamlines a messy network into a much more organized structure.

UnknownImage: Max Roberts, Circle Maps

Roberts has previously applied the same circular technique to the London Underground, and intends to continue his mapping explorations with at least 10 more iterations of the New York subway system. In the future, he plans to conduct usability studies for the maps.

Image: Flickr, Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York

This article originally published at PSFK here

Topics: design, Dev & Design, mapping, maps, MTA, Pics, public transit, redesign, Travel & Leisure, U.S., US & World

PSFK is a Mashable publishing partner that reports on ideas and trends in creative business, design, gadgets, and technology. This article is reprinted with the publisher's permission.