How Much Social Traffic Does Mainstream Media Receive?

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Social media is a main traffic driver for many top U.S. media properties. But which social networks drive the most traffic?

While Twitter may seem like the most obvious traffic driver to news sites, Facebook, in addition to being the world's largest social network, is also the largest referrer to the mainstream media's websites.

Statista put together this chart, measuring the amount of traffic received through Facebook, Twitter, Reddit, StumbleUpon and other social networks. While Facebook consistently sends all 10 publications the most traffic, the amount of referrals from the other three networks measured varies by news property.

Which networks most often drive you to news websites? Let us know your go-to social source for news in the comments.

2013_08_01_TrafficImage: Mario Tama/Getty Images

Topics: Business, chart of the day, Media, online news