Facebook Hires First Chief Marketing Officer

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Facebook has finally brought on a chief marketing officer.

The social network poached Gary Briggs, a former CMO at Google's Motorola Mobility, as the company's first CMO, according to AdAge . The move comes just more than a year after Facebook went public and more than nine years after its founding.

"Telling the story of such an important and still very young brand is an incredible opportunity, and I cannot wait to get started," Briggs told AdAge in a statement.

Facebook did not immediately respond to our request for comment.

Briggs has an impressive resume handling marketing at companies like Pepsi, eBay, PayPal and, most recently, Google. After Google acquired Motorola Mobility for $12.5 billion, it made a series of changes to Motorola's leadership, including appointing Briggs as CMO.

In that role, he worked to reintroduce consumers to the Motorola brand and overhauled Motorola's ads to more closely resemble Google's. He later served as a brand advisor to Motorola Mobility President Dennis Woodside and current CMO Bill Morgan.

Image: Lionel Bonaventure/AFP/Getty Images

Topics: Business, Facebook, Marketing