Could This Gadget Change Action Sports Forever?

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Go for a jog, and RunKeeper tracks your progress. Go for a bike ride, and a range of cycling apps can help maximize your workout. Take that skateboard or surfboard out for a spin, however, and solid digital accoutrements suddenly become hard to find.

A new Kickstarter project aims to change that. The campaign seeks to raise $150,000 to fund Trace, a gadget that would give action-sports enthusiasts new ways to track and compare their tricks and stunts. So far, it's off to a smashing start, with the campaign raising more than $75,000 in its first three weeks.

The strong buzz surrounding Trace is partly due to its creators' extensive experience in the tech sector. CEO Anatole Lokshin spent several years as Magellan's CTO when it developed some of the world's first consumer GPS devices. That background has played a key role in helping him and son David develop Trace.

"This is really the first time with these sports you can really objectively look at your progress," David told Mashable. "Now you can see how you're doing and share that with friends."

The Lokshins' company, AlpineReplay, developed Trace to build off the popularity of its more basic app (also called AlpineReplay) for skiers and snowboarders. Trace kicks it up a notch by incorporating more advanced analytics and a standalone gizmo that connects to your board, as opposed to just a simple phone app. It also introduces functionality for skateboarders and surfers.

The Lokshins have already made several prototypes of the two-inch, purportedly ultra-durable device, and now hope their Kickstarter campaign will be able to fund a scaled-up production run.

Trace's built-in GPS tech and accelerometer work with algorithms to accurately identify types of tricks, top speeds and how much air you get on a given jump, according to the father-son team. That info is then relayed to your phone's companion app via Bluetooth. More tricks will be added to Trace's database as they continue work on the project, the Lokshins said.

Of course, Trace still has about $75,000 more before it becomes fully funded, and will have to live up to expectations to really become a hit. But the elder Lokshin said he sees some promising similarities between his current project and his work developing the first consumer GPS devices more than 10 years ago.

"It's the same feeling," he told Mashable. "We're changing the way people live their lives."

For more, check out the video, below, or visit Trace's Kickstarter page. Tell us what you think about the device in the comments.

Image: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Topics: Entertainment, kickstarter, Sports