13 Whiteboards You'd Be Crazy to Erase

What's This?

Whiteboards normally serve one of two purposes: helping small children with math or informing college students of their roommates' whereabouts.

If the Internet has taught us anything, it's that any ordinary object can become a work of art.

If you find these whiteboard masterpieces inspiring, try to spark a little creativity with the dry-erase markers next time you pass a whiteboard. You might have missed your calling.

  1. Inj71

  2. Ijnhfie

  3. Sbhlxfw

  4. Ehvbnhm

  5. R7nbspb

  6. Gtaz3up

  7. Tracks-whiteboard

  8. 5aqkbrx

  9. Nh7th

  10. 7lyzrzf

  11. Wmdrpcr

  12. Ljggcpb

  13. Db4qu

Image: Flickr, Azuriblue8

Topics: Watercooler, whiteboards