10 People to Avoid at Amusement Parks

What's This?

Amusement parks are a classic family activity during the summer. With all the free time, why not spend it on rollercoasters and overpriced theme park food?

But with almost any place crawling with tons of people, there's at least a couple of archetypes you want to avoid. In the gym, it's the guy that doesn't wear deodorant. In the cafe, the patron who hogs all the outlets to charge their electronics. And at amusement parks, there's more than just a couple of people you're better off steering clear of.

Fill your water bottles and strap on your fanny packs, here's a roundup of people to avoid while spending a day at the park.

  1. Big-squirt

  2. Pda

  3. Line-cutter

  4. Power-hungry

  5. Rules

  6. Risk-takers

  7. I-dont-care

  8. Parade-pusher

  9. Flirter

  10. About-to-puke

Image: Flickr, Saytolk

Topics: Pics, roller coasters, theme park, Watercooler