NSA Director Defends Surveillance Programs at Black Hat Security Conference

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LAS VEGAS — The head of the National Security Agency, Gen. Keith Alexander, in his keynote address at one of the largest security conferences in the world, strongly defended the NSA's top secret surveillance programs revealed by Edward Snowden, arguing they helped foil 54 terrorist attacks and that they comply with exhaustive oversight mechanisms.

Alexander told the crowd at the 2013 Black Hat conference on Wednesday morning that he came to set the record straight and present the facts to "start this discussion on defending our nation, and protecting our civil liberties and privacy."

"I will answer every question to the fullest extent possible, and I promise you the truth," he said, although questions from the crowd were not allowed. "What we know, what we're doing, and what I cannot tell you because we don't want to jeopardize our future defense."

Alexander described the functionalities of the two main programs revealed by the documents Snowden leaked. He first referred to the phone call metadata collection program, legally based on Section 215 of the Patriot Act, which "that helps us connect the dots, in the least intrusive way that we can."

He then spoke to the Internet surveillance program codenamed PRISM, based on Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, which "allows us to go after content," he said. He added that these programs both serve a crucial role.

Referring to media reports, Alexander defended the programs, denying claims they go too far. "What comes out is that we're collecting everything," he said. "That is not true."

In the slides accompanying his talk, Alexander didn't add anything that not been previously disclosed about the two programs. But he did show a screenshot (see below) of the information NSA analysts can view — including phone numbers as well as date and duration of calls — as a result of the program.

Sample of results from Section 215 Query

The phone call metadata program played a role in stopping 12 of the 13 "activities" stopped in the United States. PRISM helped in 53 out of 54 attacks overall, and in half of those cases, "it provided the initial tip," Alexander said. He singled out the case of Najibullah Zazi, who was arrested for plotting to bomb the New York City subway. PRISM's importance in that investigation has been previously questioned.

Alexander received mixed reactions from the packed conference room during his talk at Caesars Palace Hotel in Las Vegas.

"Bullshit!" one heckler shouted after Alexander said the NSA "stands for Freedom."

Alexander also defended the oversight exercised by the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC), which secretly gathers information, issues secret decisions and only allows arguments from the U.S. government. Critics have called FISC a "rubber stamp court," a notion Alexander dismissed. In 2012, it approved 1,748 of 1,789 applications for surveillance (.PDF).

"They want to make sure what we’re doing comports with the constitution and the law,” Alexander said, referring to the FISC judges. "I can tell you from the wire brushings I’ve received, they are not a rubber stamp."

Alexander added that there is also congressional oversight, explaining that the Intelligence committee never determined that the NSA overstepped its boundaries.

"They found zero times that's happened," he said. "And that's no bullshit, those are facts."

The crowd responded with loud applause, after which Alexander jokingly requested the press not quote him on that, since he "has 15 grandchildren."

Alexander remained in good spirits, joking with the audience and even interrupting his speech to say "bless you" when Forbes technology reporter Andy Greenberg sneezed in the front row a few feet from him.

Images: Mashable

Topics: Black Hat, edward snowden, hackers, keith alexander, NSA, U.S., US & World