Google Copyright Infringement Reports to Quadruple This Year

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The rate of copyright infringement reports Google received in 2013 is on track to quadruple the number of reports received in 2012.

In the first seven months of 2013, publishers have submitted 110.2 million requests to remove copyright-infringing content, compared with 55.2 million requests in all of 2012.

The 1998 Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DCMA) lets content owners report copyright-infringing websites to Google. The search giant most often complies with publishers' requests and exclude reported URLs from search results.

Statista's chart, below, shows the number of requests Google received each week over the past two years. Just two years ago, about 200,000 reports were filed weekly; earlier in 2013, the rate reached 4.5 million weekly reports.

According to Google's Transparency Report, the most commonly reported domains came from, and, each of which had millions of violations.

2013_07_30_Copyright (1)Image: Tony Karumba/AFP/Getty Images

Topics: Business, chart of the day, copyrights, intellectual property